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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  February 7, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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early tomorrow morning. this is not too big of a concern. it all depends on temperatures. right not 41 in washington, but back into the low to mid 30s. 36 degrees in winchester. >> i'll come back and break it down to show you exactly what you can expect in your area, as this monster storm begins to form right off our coastline. we are following breaking news. it comes from southern california where there's a massive manhunt for an ex-lapd cop who they say is hunting down other officers. >> authorities say christopher dorner wrote a manifester targeting police officers and their families. it's apparently in revenge for being fired from the department. three people have been killed so far. dorner allegedly ambushed two riverside officers this morning, killing one, an lapd officer was shot and wounded because he was guarding someone on the hit list. a california couple with ties to
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law enforcement was killed this weekend. jackie bensen joins us live with the latest. wendy, this is an extraordinary situation, striking absolute fear into the 10,000 member los angeles police department and their families. christopher jordan dorner outlined his plan to terminate a dozen colleagues that he feels led to his firing. the horrific events began sunday in irvine with the ambush shooting of a woman's, the woman is a daughter of a lapd police captain who represented dorner in his termination hearing. >> we trained him. he was also a member of the armed forces.
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it is extremely worrisome and scary, especially to the police officers involved. at least 40 protective details are in place on officers' families in the los angeles area. in the town of corona this morning, two officers manning one of them were fired on. in riverside, two officers stopped at a traffic light we are also fired on, one of them died. >> the city mourns the deaths of monica quan, keith lawrence, and our brave riverside police officer. i also feel great sadness for the injuries is suffered by my officer, the second riverside officer, and the two uninvolved citizens in torrence. >> reporter: to compound the tragedy, a man and woman delivering newspapers were shot
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by officers who mistakenly shot that dorner was inside their car. thee hospitalized in stable condition, but it gives you a feeling for the absolute tension that is covering the entire los angeles area right now. back to you. >> jackie bensen, thank you. please believe the body of an annapolis toddler is among the trash of one of these railcars. they say the toddler's mother chelsea boothe compared to smothering 2-year-old cassidy and throwing her in a dumps terr. neighbors called police yesterday after they hadn't seen her daughter. she was charged with first-degree murder today. she's being held without bond. there is a new sketch of the man accused of groping women across the springfield area. police think this man has assaulted 189 women since last fall. the most recent incident occurred when a 21-year-old woman said the guy grabbed her from behind an ran off. in earlier incidents he was seen wearing a bandanna. in more recent incidents he had
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noticeable acne or shaving bumps on his face. it's a case that gripped washington for nearly a decade. they're years ago pat collins was first to report. arrest of. in the meantime gmar gandeike. pat has the latest. >> reporter: jim, trouble in the chandra levy case. >> bleaking much holder, thinner, with a shaved head two years ago he got 60 years for the murder of chandra levy. guandique, back for hearings
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that could give him a new trial. sources tell news4 there's new evidence in the case, evidence that could taint the testimony of one of the witnesses, evidence brought to the judge by prosecutors some time ago. what's that new evidence? it's a superior courthouse secret. only the judge prosecutors and defense attorney knows. the judge is keeping things private to protect the safety of an unnamed individual. he as given the government 90 days to come up with a security plan. then we may learn what this is all about. lawyers representing reporters have been at the courthouse trying to get the judge to open things up. but the judge shut them down. do you think it could be months before the public gets to know what's going on here? the disappearance and death of chandra levy, one of the most talked-about cases in the
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history of washington crime. a washington intern goes missing, a year later her body is found in rock creek park. in 2009, guandique charged with her murder. it was a circumstantial case. the keystone wince, a jailhouse partner, saying he confessed about the murder. so what does all of this mean? an expert opinion coming up. defense secretary leone panetta is defending he told the senate armed services that benghazi was on a list of nearly 300 areas under threat, and there was no warning of an imminent attack. >> frankly, without an adequate warning sill there was not enough time, given the speed of
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the attack for armed military assets to respond. >> panetta added that the independent review conducted after the attack reached the same conclusion. ambassador chris stevens and three other americans were killed in the attacks last september. one of the most prominent buildings in the nation's capital will get a security upgrade for the first time since 9/11. the massive herbert hoover building will become more secure and more visitor friendly than the barriers that are there right now. tom sherwood with a look at the plan that includes the white house visitor center. tom? >> wendy, tourism in the nation's capital is big business. but ugly security barriers don't help. little known national aquarium has been tucked away since 1932 in the huge basement of the commerce department building downtown. video screens, live exhibits delight visitors like this
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capital from boston. what do you think? >> it's great. >> ugly sidewalk secure barriers in place since 9/11, they were supposed to be temporary, still discourage foot traffic to the aconveyor numb and the white house visitors center. >> where now there have been planters sitting for a long time, the trees aren't terribly healthy. the sidewalk isn't in good shape. >> but the entire perimeter, one side isour football fields long, about got pedestrian friendly security that respects the historic building. >> really one of the first times for the federal government to come up with a design solution that actually enhances the public sidewalk. >> the national planning commission, the regional agency that approves design changes said the redesign will draw more people. >> we anticipate a lot more foot traffic around that building. the without visitors center is on the north side. the new aquarium entrance will be on the south side.
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the african-american museum is being built right across the street from the aquarium entrance, and then the washington monument is right behind that. >> unfortunate wli none of is the changes will be ready for the spring tourest sassen that's coming up very soon. tom, thank you. iran is broadcasting this video that it claims to have gotten from a downed cia drone. it was more than a year ago that tehran claimed to have taken control of the rq-170 drone. u.s. officials say it crashlanded due to a malfunction. today iranian state television showed footage that has reportedly been downloaded from the drone. the video appears to show an aerial view of an airport in the city of kandahar, afghanistan. iran is also claiming now to have the ability to produce functional copies of smaller american surveillance drones. drones are a hot topic in washington as president obama's choice to head the cia is facing some tough questions.
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on the hill today, john brennan's confirmation hearing got off to a rough start. >> i speak for the mothers -- >> all right, we will stop again. >> i have a list of all the names and ages -- >> all right. we're going to halt the hearing. i'm going to ask that the room be cleared. >> five separate times today members of code pink had to be escorted out. protesters are angry about brennan's role in crafting the drone policy. targeting suspected terrorists and sometimes killing innocent victims. brennan addressed the protesters directly today, said the use of lethal force is always a last resort. >> the people that were standing up here today, i think they really have a misunderstanding of what we do as a government, and the care that we take and the agony we go through to make sure that we do not have any collateral injuries or deaths. >> despite concerns over the
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u.s. drone policy, brennan is expected to win confirmation. those across the board spending cuts known as sequestration are still set to cannic in on march 1st, president obama once again urged lawmakers to reach a deal soon. john boehner called for quick action. >> i have had enough. it's time to act. >> i'm prepared, eager and anxious to do a big deal, a big package that ends this governance by crisis. >> the president wants fewer cuts and more tax revenue. that's the same argument he made during the fiscal cliff talks with republicans late last year. a new push in maryland, it's aimed at preventing the long lines during early voting. today the house ways and means committee is considering a bill to increase the number of early voting center. last fall some voters stood in line for hours just to vote early. until this new proposal, even
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county would get more voting locations officials would ultimately decide where they go. governor o'malley is also pushing to increase the number of early voting days from six to eight. a news4 exclusive tonight. metro is testing the tracks for the silver line. we're getting the first and only look before riders hop aboard. people love the redskins, but a lot of people don't love the name. we'll talk about a new push tonight for change. plus an explosion at this deli shop. tonight there are new developments about the man hurt. "news4 at 5" is just getting started.
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a news4 exclusive tonight, a look at the dulles rail project like you've never seen before. it is impossible to miss if you drive through tiysons corners. >> our adam tuss has a special new tour. >> reporter: this is the first true look we're getting at the largest transportation project in our area, and one of the largest in the country. the architecture in back of me pretty impressive, that's the tysons corner station in between the two malls. tonight news4 takes you inside the silver line extension.
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rising up from the ground here in northern virginia, this is the adults rail project. otherwise known as the silver line. the first phase runs from falls church through tysons corner ending in reston, and fourp stories in the air on the west side. this will be known as the spring hill station. step out onto the platform, and you get an incredible sweeping view. this is what riders will see as they wait for the train. in about a year's time you'll be riding the rails, a comfort for some who want to ditch the car all together. the scope of the project truly massive. >> this is big. this is involved. every discipline of engineering. >> less le pereira talking about j.c. what's involved. >> and the work continues slowly
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rolled through. to make sure there's enough clearance. now, of course, that's not a typical railcare, you can see it see has all types of feelers. so that it can sense what's going on around it. to get issens for what it would be like. you'll know it's for testing. now, coming up at 6:00, how transportation leaders are saying this project will change tysons. you can see behind me the face already changing. adam tuesday, notify. adam, thanks. things about to get very interesting and very wet here.
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you can take a look outside right now, we're dealing with the cloud cover, and there's the radar, and you can see that -- we will continue to see over the next couple hours, as we make our way through the night, though, here's what's coming. we talk about two storms coming, one in the northern braj and one in the southern braj, right to the east. for us they need to come together for us to get any snow or real heavy rain. for us we're going to miss out on most of this storm and many of you are saying, whew, because you've heard what's coming up to the north and east. as a matter of fact, let's talk about it right now. by tonight, and early tomorrow morning i expect most of us to see moderate rain, potential heavy rain closer to the chesapeake bay. i do expect it -- by noon,
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however, the storm system moves out of here. the storm system is not only away from us, but wrapping in colder air. by late tomorrow night we could see a few snow showers on the back end of this. that would be our only potential from the storm. that's later on as the storm passes. to the north, this storm will create in havoc as far as snow and blizzard conditions. our wind will come on saturday with much colder air that moves on in. let's talk about some snow totals here. for us, maybe an inch on the back side, but look at new york. nearly 15 inches. this is one computer model. boston 31 inches of snow. some of the computer models are giving more, and combine that with 40, 50, even right now they have a -- new york city under a winter storm watch. if you have travel conditions up
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towards the north are not going to be good, so you might want to think about that before you head to the north and east. for us it's a nuisance storm, a blizzard to the north and east. major travel disruptions from the northeast up towards new england. could impact us, too. it also impacts our travel especially of planes down towards our airports. for us, what to expect. heaviest in the morning, and quickly move out of here by around noon, and look for a messy rush hour. again we could see a messy rush hour and see the potential back toward the west, where temperatures are into the 30s for some freezing precipitation, 36 degrees in winchester, 36 right now in frederick, there is a winter weather advisory posted well to our west, including the i-81 corridor, but it does including loudoun and frederick county, could be light snow or sleet into that area. on saturday, that's the cold day and very windy day, temperatures around 38. 47 on your sunday. here comes monday with a high of 52. the rain will move back into the
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area. once again, for it is it is tomorrow and saturday. we're going to have to watch out for this storm. we'll continue to watch it for you. always keeping you ahead of the storm. >> we know you are. doug, thanks. ashley judd getting into politics? >> the race is already getting nasty before he seen gets her feet wet. >> it just clicked. tennessee is home. >> someone who knows what's going for us. >> behind this ad. i'm liz crenshaw. private school tuition, is it tax deductible? an all-new liz quiz is coming up. after losing his mom to breast cancer, a local high school player honors his mother on the court. i'm julie carey in fairfax county. just a year and a half ago, route 7, a death was caused by a texting driver. tonight his parents are speaking out.
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and dan hellie has a story to tell us how this young man has gained strength to become an even better athlete. >> he's doing great.
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sharon could not wait to see her son -- she was ainge to see him, and take advantage of the opportunities in the classroom. demonte is still there, doing all the things that would make his mother proud. but sharon is no longer around to see it. zachi quiche has the story. >> there's no feeling more than seeing your own mother cry and not being ability to fix the problem. >> i saw her cries, and saying she didn't want to go think it anymore. >> reporter: it was breast cancer, something sharon moore knew all too well. she had battled through a bout years earlier. shirn was a survivor. but now the cancer was back. >> i seen my mom go through her pain. >> he did all he could, but in the end her time had come on
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january 15th, 2012, two days before her 45th birthday. sharon yvette moore passed away. >> i cried a lot about it. i was always there for her whenever she needed me to do stuff, little things, when she would come home with groceries, i was the first to get the bags out of the car. just always having a helping hand for my mom. >> the night before the funeral, demonte had a basketball game. with a heavy heart and sweet stroke, just as mom had prepared him to do, demonte took the court. >> i can't imagine coming out and putting on a jersey the day before the funeral, and then coming out scoring 30 points. i couldn't imagine the strength to come out and play. you can't see that it was definitely an outlet for him. >> sharon is gone, but her spirit lives through her
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charismatic son. the game they had honed together, and this indelible ink. >> she told me she wanted me to be real independent. she said there would be a time in this world when you will be on your own, so be prepared for that, and told me things are getting stuff. make sure you stay focused on what's important. soon you'll be on your own. basically she was preparing me for what was going to happen later on. >> zachary kiesch, news4 sports. demonte's father said he used to just play angry out there on the court, but with the passing of his mother, it kind of cleared his head. he enjoyed the game more and now is actually a college prospect, getting looked at by several schools. >> and she left him with a great notify. >> strong kid. thank you, dan. well the redskins name has been controversial for years. yet another firestorm is brewing. someone hit the big jackpot in virginia.
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new developments have some people questioning if the will you canny winner is already out of town. and new jersey's governor is firing back after a former white house doctor had a lot to say about his weight. >> my children saw that last night, and she sat there on tv and said, i'm afraid he's
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this system will merge with a second system and create a monster blizzard for areas like boston. this is going to cause a lot of problems to the northeast and in portions of new england. for us we do have a winter weather advisories that's in effect from 4:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. for areas to the west, also northern fauquier county, and back towards leesburg. if temperatures are cold enough, it could start out as light sleet or even snow. >> all right. thank you, doug. the name of washington's football team is the hot topic right now at the american indian muse museum. some say the name redskins and other similar team nate and logos are offensive. >> we've been taking comments, from hundreds of people commenting, a majority say the name should not be changed. chris gordon joins us live from the museum.
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>> reporter: some say the name redskins is racist, and they want it changed. washington always takes the field with pride, and a strong sense of history. their fans have loved the team since it dame to d.c. decades ago, but some are now saying the team's name is derogatory. at the national museum of the american indians, they are holding this symposium on racial stereotypes in american sports. as anienedance, do you take offense to the name washington redskins? >> i do. i do. and it's not a good feeling to know that there are people who are -- or a city that is a majority/minority, if you will, that more people have not taken
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up and joined us in this effort, where wear the shoes on the other foot, we would stand -- >> manny is one of the seven litigants who sued the nfl 20 years ago seeking the name change. >> it's not only the word "redskin" but it's also all the antics around the name and the team. it's the stereo typical depiction by the fans, by the cheerleaders, but the entire organization that does not serve us well as native people. >> reporter: change the name or not, washington football fans love their team. >> we can't change heritage, no matter how much you try to change the name, they're still going to be referred to as the redskins. you can change the names all you want to. >> reporter: do you want to? >> no, i don't want to change the name.
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i don't know how they can do it without interfering with history, but at the same time i understand the native-american concern about it. the redskins team organization was not invited to participate in the panels here at the museum today, so i contacted the washington redskins to see if there was they wanted to add. they sent me an e-mail, saying no comment. that's the latest from the mall. back to you in the studio. tonight a virginia woman is facing up to five years in prison after pleading guilty to buying 31 guns and reselling them. she bought the handguns at three virginia gun shows over 15 days last year. she pleaded guilty today in front of a federal judge. court records show she sold all of them for profit. . an elderie woman drove her
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car into a pizza mutt around noon today. investigators believe she hit the accelerator instead of the brake. rescuesers worked to free the woman, then took her to the hospital. all four employees were working in the back of the story, so they weren't hurt. there were no customers inside. walking into a prince george's county school won't be the same. that's what school officials say about the new security measures under consideration tonight. prince george's county bureau chief tracee walk united states explains what students, faculty and parents should soon expect. >> i think we all have to clearly understand that sandy hook has changed school security the way 9/11 changed travel. >> and with that, michael blome, the director of security, listed a number of proposals aimed at making schools safer. >> the recommendations are not going to work unless all parts
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of the puzzle come together. >> reporter: his recommend a illustrations include a new police force currently all school is handled by the police department. >> full police powers and being able to take police actions that any other officer. >> other suggestions included a $300,000 session waysal analysis that will allow the school sim to better track trends and deploy resources. 750,000 for panic buttons. $2.5 million to install electronic controlled access. 1.7 million to installed cameras at 65 schools. >> i know this is a different approach, but i think the gauntlet was dropped when that individual went in and took the actions he did in sandy hook. >> reporter: school board members expressed concerns about how the additional security
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measures may be perceived and suggested strong communication as changes are made. >> it's a paradigm shift, a completely cultural shift in regards to how we're going to -- how people -- what they expect when they exercise a school billing particularly if they're re89ed. >> they have to formally vote on some of these recommendations, but the superintendent has already allocated some money in the 2014 budget to cover some of these new security measures. from upper marl borer, i'm tracee wilkins, news4. boeing's dreamliner returned to the skies today. find out why this was just a one-time flight. plus thousands of drivers mass be getting away with not pays the poll, but there may be
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[ male announcer ] want to make a great car interior? stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn't your car? you can't do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever. and that's how you do it. easy. ♪ and that's how you do it. easy. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy.
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there's more about the two fires. all 50 dreamliners were grounded last month. today an official with the ntsb said testing of the bat ares show a short circuit led to the fire and the smoke. meanwhile, the faa allowed. >> us airways and the parent
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company of american airlines may be close to merging. it's a deal that would create the world's largest airline much the big announcement could come next week. both airlines have been swapping financial information to see if a merger makes. the combined company would be worth an estimated $10 billion. the metropolitan washington airport's authority says a report that says it is missing out on millions in revenue from the dulles toll road are responding to that. it's less than 1 in 10 violators are getting caught, but the authority says the report does not account for false violation. it says only that 1% of driver use the toll road without paying. in those cases it worked aggressively to collect those fines. well, we continue to watch this major storm that's going to slam the northeast. >> watch out, boston. doug is back with a look at how it will impact our area. >> for us it's not going to be
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the biggest impact from rain or snow. for us it will be the cold air behind it. >> virginia's deli shop will have 9 latest. and magic johnson returns with an update and health and lesson. >> and detection
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the victim in a deli explosion is out of the hospital. larry reese left the hospital after being treated for severe burns. >> david culver has the latest on the search for the suspect. >> he had big plans for his business. he was doing whatever it took to get there. >> reporter: francis speaks highly of his friend.
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he said a month ago hess company helped -- now boarded up and charred after wednesday morning's explosion. >> he was here seven days a week from morning to night. >> reporter: working that's exactly what reese says he was doing. unloading this dolly stacked with drinks. the explosion caused him to black out from his hospital room last night, he talked with news4 on the phone. >> i'm trying to get myself well at this point. i'm more in shock than anything. >> reporter: immediately after that explosion, larry reese was brought here to be treated. a hospital spokesperson confirming that he's since gone home. tonight the search for the man behind the explosion continues. police telling news4 they're trying to track down the man spotted running from that scene. they said he may be hurt. when asked what he wants to happen to the person behind the
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attack, he referred to a higher power. >> the lord does his job and he does what he does in his own way. i couldn't pass judgment like that. >> we did have police about the. joked about his size this week, but hes not laughing about colts from a former doctor. >> if she asks to examine my -- i'll have a confers. until that time she should shut up. >> that comes after a doctor told cnn that christie might have a stroke or heart attack in office. earlier this week he described himself as remarkably healthy but acknowledged his own doctor keeps warning him about his weight. an obama following -- who's
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right at home here in tennessee -- i mean kentucky. >> american crossroads just released this new attack ad, the actress is considering a run for the u.s. senate in kentucky next year, potentially taking on mitch mcconnell. the ad criticized her home state comments. judd was a delegate for tennessee to the dnc last year, but she grew up and went to school in kentucky. a new species of flying dinosaur discovered in romania. scientists say it remains to the group of terasaurs. they have a wind span of nearly ten feet, jim handly. this group of reptiles can fold up their wings. they date back to 68 millions years. that's why i can't say their names. >> in school you lurnd that, but
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i forget it. let's get the word on the weather. doug, everybody will be talking about this one? >> that's the thing, this will be a monster storm. once again we are not going to get the most of it, but places lie new york city, providence, rhode island, they are really under the gun from this one. for us it will be another miss. winds out of the southeast at 8 miles an hour. a bit on the cool side. 36 in martins burg, these temperatures critical overnight tonight, because we do have the moisture moving in. if the temperatures get close to the freezing mark, we said sigh some light sleet or snow. that includes loudoun county, maryland, and then everybody out toward the west, including the entire i-81 cordon. i'm not worried about you folks out here as far as seeing a lot of sleet or a lot of snow. i don't think you'll see too many problems, but you still want to give yourself some extra time.
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you may see some problems there. this is what we're talking about. the radar, all clear right now. as we widen out, here's what's going on, the storm down to the south, in a perfect position to move up the coast. it would if not for this storm right here. these two will combine just off our coastline. if they were to combine, we would be talking about a massive snowstorm here, too, but that's not the case. it will be off to our north, which means everybody to our north will pick up pretty good snow. future weather taking you thus hour by hour, just the cloud cover around the -- by friday, tomorrow morning, we start toss the rain moving in, notice the snow, a bit of a mix here, and tomorrow morning, that's when i think we could see the heaviest rain right along the i-95 corridor. southern maryland eastern shore, that's where -- here is still what's going on, front royal, lieu ray, could be a snow or mix
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back towards winchester, too, so that's why the winter advisory is up. tomorrow afternoon, just about everything moves out of the here. is there enough moisture to give us a bit in the way of snow? it could happen, here's what it is going to give us, look at the windchills on saturday morning. 18 in washington, 14 in martins burg, 17 in frederick maryland, so we'll be waking up to a very cold die. 47 for the day on sunday. sunday a much better day, 52 on monday with rain, and it looks lieite chance of rain on wednesday. tomorrow morning we are going on at 4:00 a.m. we'll also have traffic early tomorrow morning. news4 today starts at 4:00 a.m. coming up at the top of the 6:00 hour, we'll good to boston to speak with jim cantore and what they're expecting there it's going to be crazy up there. tax season is looming, one
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way to lower the bill is with deductions. >> do you know what's deductible? >> people think they know. here's a quiz. this one from kiplinger's personal finance. do you know if it really is deductible here's question number one. yes or no, children who attend private elementary schools and private high schools, is their tuition tax deductib deductible? >> i went to catholic school. it was never deductible. >> that's right. you can't deduckett it next question -- accepted a new job that requires you to move. you can write off your moving costs. true or false? >> i think it's true. >> i think it is true. you can detuck it even if you yay, i got it right. >> you're volunteering for a nonprofit. can you deduckett that?
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your time and your talent? can you deduckett that off your taxes? >> my guess is no? >> herges is right. there aren't any federal tax deductions for the value of your time donated to a charity. here's the next question? >> your father made a payment on your college loan. who gets to claim the student local entering the tax deduction? ed dad or the child? >> it's interesting we allow the kids to take the deduction. >> you don't have to fight over it. it's always the child. the child can deduckett up to $2500 of student local interesting paid. >> here's the next question. >> you spent a few weekends in vegas last year. one weekend you won money, the other your wallet came back worse for ar. so the question is, can you deduckett your losses? >> you would have to net it against your winnings. >> smart guy. you can.
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>> you do el nate your old car to charity. what's the write-off? kelley blue book or the price the car is sold for by the charity? >> the blue book. >> no, in most cases you can only deduct the price one paid for charity. last question -- you can deduct the taxes you paid to state even if you don't itemize. true or false? >> false. >> you have to itemize. but this woman knew that. >> i'm an accountant >> you really get it. >> i cheated. sorry. >> reporter: her advice this tax season --? >> pay your taxes. so they did so-so. let's say you want to give away the ton of money. is the sky the limit? >> no. >> there's a limit. >> 50% of your adjusted gross
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income. if you want to be really generous, you can only deduct half of your income. >> that's never going to happen anyway. >> nice to think about it and dream. >> you should both hire accountants, by the way. >> done. someone got lucky in virginia, but a multimillionaire may have already left the town. the lottery says they bought the powerball at richmond international airport. the prize, $217 million. it's the second largest ever won in the commonwealth. they have the option of a 30-year payout or lump sum. >> what are the taxes on that? >> yikes. 50% probably. magic johnson comes to washington to talk about the aids epidemic hitting the black community, but that's not the only reason he is town. sandy survivors by the thousands, they are still living in motels, but one family fell to the crac
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a lot of excitement at howard university hospital today. basketball legend magic johnson paid a visit there before talking hiv and aids issues with president obama, as news4's richard jordan found out, jordan has a life-saving message for espectly young people that he wants to hear. >> and then i would wait to get the picture, because i notice everybody has their cameras. >> magic johnson made a name for himself, but the nba living legend has taken his talents far
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beyond the game of basketball into the medical arena. an hiv advocate for 22 years now, he uses his own diagnosis to bust the misconceptions about hiv and aids and educate the next generation. >> we're finding right now 13 to 24-year-olds who are african-americans, that's where the highest numbers are coming in at now, what, over 60% of the new cases in black america is coming through that age group. we've got to get to the young people. >> whoa. whoa. >> reporter: howard university hospital staffers boxed out to get close to the hall of famer, but he's not there for just the day. johnson is the president of the food service company that serves the hospital and howard campuses, and he's the man behind the magic johnson subconnection shop at the hospital. he says he's also found success with the magic johnson theater in prince george's county. >> the people have really come
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through our doors and enjoyed it. >> johnson says he will meet with president obama. he says he's been a part of the commission on hiv and aids for decades. the message has always been the same. >> early detection can definitely save your life. >> johnson really wanted one point to hit home to make sure that young people get tested for hiv and then go back and get the results of that test. he says early detection is the difference between life and death. at howard university hospital, richard jordan, news4. i'm going to -- we're going to halt the hearing. i'm going to ask that the room be cleared. now at 6:00, protesters interrupt john brennan's confirmation hearing for the head of the cia. tonight he defends the policy of clearing terrorists by drone strikes. the man convicted of killing chandra levy have new


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